Nuevas modificaciones del
Programa Informático Ebrí, para el cálculo de la Edad Ósea y Predicción de
Talla Adulta del niño
Con fecha 1 de julio
(2017), puede tenerse ya acceso a la nueva versión del programa Informático del
Dr.Ebrí, que figura en el banner (maduración ósea) de la página web ( del ilustre Colegio de Médicos de Zaragoza.
Este nuevo programa
permite después de ser descargado en el ordenador del usuario, a través de un
instalador que se ejecuta, el poder disponer de tres programas para el cálculo
de la edad ósea de los niños a estudio: a) Programa para niños de 0.5 a 20
años, a través de la Rx dorsopalmar de mano izquierda, que permite también el
cálculo predictivo de la Talla Adulta; b) Programa específico para el cálculo
de la edad ósea de niños desde recién nacidos a los 4 años, a través de la Rx
dorsopalmar de mano izquierda; c) Programa que permite el cálculo de la edad
ósea del niño a través del tarso (Rx lateral y dorsoplantar de pie) desde
recién nacidos hasta los 4 años.
Estos programas, llevan
ya insertos las indicaciones de uso.
Es interesante reseñar,
que en el diagnóstico osificativo del niño, la edad ósea (respecto a la edad
cronológica) puede encontrarse "normal, adelantada o retrasada"
(calculada a través de los IVOS: IC, IMF, ICMF, IT). Y de no encontrase dicho
retraso o adelanto de forma significativa, (como lo da el programa, caso de
producirse) no requerirá mayores estudios de búsqueda de causa, ya que se encuentran
dentro de la distribución normal de la Curva Gaussiana. En consecuencia, puede
darse, por ejemplo, una edad ósea retrasada o adelantada respecto
a la cronológica, y ser considerada como normal a través de los IVOS.
Los nuevos programas
confeccionados para niños hasta los cuatro años, se ajustan mejor para
estas edades, ya que las ecuaciones generales pueden dar unos valores de
IVO inferiores, debido al “peso” de los niños mayores de la Casuística General
“Andrea Prader” sobre los niños más pequeños.
Dres. Ebrí
New modifications of the Ebrí Computer Program,
for the calculation of the Bone Age and Prediction of Adult Height of the child
On July 1 (2017), you can already have
access to the new version of Dr.Ebrí's computer program, which appears on the
banner (bone maturation) of the website ( of the illustrious
College of Physicians Of Zaragoza.
This new program allows after having been downloaded in the user's computer, through a running installer, the possibility of having three programs for the calculation of the bone age of the children under study: a) Program for children from 0.5 to 20 years, through the left hand dorsopalmar Rx, which also allows the predictive calculation of Adult Size; B) Specific program for the calculation of the bone age of children from infants to 4 years, through left-hand Rx dorsopalmar; C) Program that allows the calculation of the age of the child through the tarsus (lateral Rx and dorsoplantar standing) from newborn to 4 years.
These programs, already have inserted the indications of use.
It is interesting to note that in the ossific diagnosis of the child, bone age (relative to chronological age) may be "normal, advanced or delayed" (calculated through the IVOS: IC, IMF, ICMF, IT). And if there is no significant delay or advance, (as the program does, if it occurs) it will not require further cause-finding studies, since they are within the normal distribution of the Gaussian Curve. Consequently, for example, a delayed or advanced bone age with respect to the chronological period can be given and considered as normal through the IVOS.
The new programs made for children up to four years fit better for these ages, since the general equations can give lower IVO values, due to the "weight" of the older children of the "Andrea Prader" General Casuistry on the Children.
The comments of the users, can be directed to the email:
Or go to
This new program allows after having been downloaded in the user's computer, through a running installer, the possibility of having three programs for the calculation of the bone age of the children under study: a) Program for children from 0.5 to 20 years, through the left hand dorsopalmar Rx, which also allows the predictive calculation of Adult Size; B) Specific program for the calculation of the bone age of children from infants to 4 years, through left-hand Rx dorsopalmar; C) Program that allows the calculation of the age of the child through the tarsus (lateral Rx and dorsoplantar standing) from newborn to 4 years.
These programs, already have inserted the indications of use.
It is interesting to note that in the ossific diagnosis of the child, bone age (relative to chronological age) may be "normal, advanced or delayed" (calculated through the IVOS: IC, IMF, ICMF, IT). And if there is no significant delay or advance, (as the program does, if it occurs) it will not require further cause-finding studies, since they are within the normal distribution of the Gaussian Curve. Consequently, for example, a delayed or advanced bone age with respect to the chronological period can be given and considered as normal through the IVOS.
The new programs made for children up to four years fit better for these ages, since the general equations can give lower IVO values, due to the "weight" of the older children of the "Andrea Prader" General Casuistry on the Children.
The comments of the users, can be directed to the email:
Or go to
Dres Ebrí